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Ball Screw Drive

Ball Screw Drive

An LEFS slider, or rodless, type electric actuator features a load mounting platform situated above a ball screw drive. A flexible seal band permits platform movement while preventing grease and foreign matter from entering the drive. Advantages include a low profile height, shorter overall length than rod types, and better positioning repeatability than belt drives.
Belt Drive

Belt Drive

An LEFB slider, or rodless, type electric actuator features a load mounting platform situated above a belt drive. A flexible seal band permits platform movement while preventing grease and foreign matter from entering the drive. Advantages include shorter overall length than rod types, plus longer strokes and higher speeds than ball screw drives.
Belt Drive with Guide Rod

Belt Drive with Guide Rod

An LEL slider type electric actuator features a load mounting carriage that travels on guide rails. The parallel belt drive and horizontally mounted motor offer a surface height lower than comparable LEF models. The belt drive offers higher speeds than a ball screw drive, while the construction offers the lowest cost.
Belt Drive Low Profile

Belt Drive Low Profile

The LEM electric actuator family features the lowest table height of all sliders, 40mm or less. Four series are available, including basic, cam follower guide, and single or double axis linear guides. Belt drives permit longer strokes and higher speeds than ball screw sliders. Guided types permit higher workloads than the LEFB or LEL.
Support Guide

Support Guide

An LEFG guide shares dimensions with the LEFS and LEFB body, but has no motor. It functions as a support for a significantly overhanging workpiece that is moved by a driving slider. The guide is equipped with a seal band that prevents the ingress of grease and other external foreign matter. A typical application is in support of a large loading platform in a multi-axis pick-and-place operation