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SMC's VQ7-6/7-8 series valve conforms to ISO standard 5591/I.  A choice of metal or rubber seal increases compatibility with various operating and environmental conditions.  Manifolds are available with a wide range of interface options to meet a variety of application requirements.  The VQ7-6/7-8 has a smaller, space-saving profile and is lighter in weight than the VS7/VP7 series. 


VSS/VSR  size 1, 2 & 3 are plug-in, base mounted interface valves conforming to ISO standards. The valve design offers maximum flexibility and is available in either a high flow rubber seal (model VSR), or matched ground spool and sleeve (model VSS). The lateral plug-in style manifold makes it easy to increase or decrease the manifold stations without wiring work.  In addition, SMC now offers a light weight, large capacity mini ISO valve (size 01).



Dimensions of SMC's VS7 series conform to ISO interface sizes 1 and 2.  The pilot operated metal seal design allows the valve to be used with non-lube dry air and still maintain a long life.  The VS7 is available in 2 or 3 position, double or single action.  Manifolds are available with a large variety of functions and piping configurations.