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MHR3, Air Gripper, 3 Finger, Rotary Actuator

MHR3, Air Gripper, 3 Finger, Rotary Actuator

The MHR3 Series, 3-finger grippers are optimal for gripping spherical, cylindrical or round work pieces. Its cross roller guide provides smooth actuation for high precision and repeatability making it suitable for end-of-arm (end effector) or pick and place applications.

MDHR3, Air Gripper, 3 Finger, Rotary Actuator with Auto Switch

MDHR3, Air Gripper, 3 Finger, Rotary Actuator with Auto Switch

The MDHR3 Series, 3-finger grippers are optimal for gripping spherical, cylindrical or round work pieces. Its cross roller guide provides smooth actuation for high precision and repeatability making it suitable for end-of-arm (end effector) or pick and place applications.

11/22-M(D)HR3, Air Gripper, 3-Finger Rotary Actuated, Clean Series

11/22-M(D)HR3, Air Gripper, 3-Finger Rotary Actuated, Clean Series

The 11/22-MHR3 Series, 3-finger grippers meets Class 10 cleanroom standards. Its cross roller guide provides smooth actuation for high precision and repeatability making it suitable for end-of-arm (end effector) or pick and place applications.