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Standard External Guided Cylinder - MGG

Standard External Guided Cylinder - MGG

Series MGG integrates a round body cylinder for its power source with external guide rods to isolate the load bearing from the movement of the actuator's rod and seals for a compact and light weight unit. The stroke adjustment (up to 50 mm) can be either on the extend or retract cycle. It is enhanced with shock absorbers at the end of stroke for maximum kinetic energy absorption. Non-rotating accuracy ranging from +/-0.02° for 100 mm bore to +/-0.07° for 20 mm bore.

Compact External Guided Cylinder - MGC

Compact External Guided Cylinder - MGC

Series MGC integrates a round body cylinder for its power source with external guide rods to isolate the load bearing from the movement of the actuator's rod and seals for a compact and light weight unit. It is designed with air cushions at the end of stroke for maximum kinetic energy absorption. Non-rotating accuracy ranging from +/-0.04° for 50 mm bore to +/-0.07° for 20 mm bore. Air cushions as standard.

Platform Guide Rod Cylinder - CXT

Platform Guide Rod Cylinder - CXT

Series CXT integrates a compact cylinder's power source via a flexible coupling to the high precision ball bushing bearing guides to isolate the load bearing from the movement of the actuator's rod and seals. Rubber bumpers are standard with optional shock absorbers and stroke adjustment (X138).