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Rodless Cylinder Magnetically Coupled

Rodless Cylinder Magnetically Coupled

A rodless cylinder with magnetic coupling differs from a basic air cylinder in that no piston rod extends outside the cylinder body. Instead, the internal piston is connected to an external carriage.  SMC's rodless cylinders are ideal for long stroke applications because they are unaffected by rod overhang, bending, piston binding, and uneven seal wear, and for use in confined areas where space is a premium.

Rodless Cylinder Mechanically Jointed

Rodless Cylinder Mechanically Jointed

A rodless cylinder with mechanical joining differs from a basic air cylinder in that no piston rod extends outside the cylinder body. Instead, the internal piston is connected to an external carriage.  SMC's rodless cylinders are ideal for long stroke applications because they are unaffected by rod overhang, bending, piston binding, and uneven seal wear, and for use in confined areas where space is a premium.