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LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEY

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEY

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEF

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEF

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEHZ, LEHF and LEHS

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEHZ, LEHF and LEHS

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LES

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LES

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LESH

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LESH

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LER

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LER

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEM

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEM

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEL

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEL

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.
LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEP

LECP7-XB3 Absolute Controller, (Servo 24 DC) for LEP

The LECP7-XB3 is a controller for LE's 24VDC step motors. It is similar to the LECP6 controller, with the addition of a battery backup. The motor position signal can be monitored immediately after power is shut off or lost, regardless of the actuators operation. A return to origin is not required after power recovery. The nickel hydride battery has a 72 hour recharging time, up to 20 days of position retention, and a 2-yr replacement life.